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Tom Larson

Tom Larson

Tom Larson Tom is a voiceover talent agent at Moore Creative Talent Agency, along with Kate Lawrence-Baker. He is also a speech coach at Fridley High School and community theater director at Fridley community theater. With voice talent Chelsey...

Kate Lawrence-Baker

Kate Lawrence-Baker Kate has for seven years been the primary voiceover talent agent at Moore Creative. She has also taught voiceover at the Guthrie Theater (level 1 and 2), and at previous Voice Acting Expos. She formerly worked closely with Garrison Keillor as his...
Dawn Krosnowski

Dawn Krosnowski

Dawn Krosnowski Besides being a longtime voice talent and coach, Dawn is an actress (IMDB listing) performing in commercial, theater, film and industrial. She is also a dancer and versatile model, including hand modeling. She is represented by NUTs, ltd. and Moore...

Thomas Mundahl

Thomas Mundahl Thomas is an engineer, artist and musician, graphic designer and animator, husband and...
Phil Ensminger

Phil Ensminger

Phil Ensminger One of our two Lead Engineers, Phil also records talent in his day job and in several classes for the School of Voiceover. Phil has worked in and out of a dozen Minneapolis/St. Paul studios recording and editing the voices of hundreds of talented...

Susan Spongberg

Susan Spongberg Susan has worked in all aspects of the Twin Cities voice over industry, as an agent, talent and instructor. Her energetic coaching style is very popular with School of Voiceover students. Comedy improv is also in her background, performing with the...