Don’t ask for a refund to an account you don’t use:
We have options until a refund is issued though a payment system. After that, we don’t have access to your funds. No company allows sellers to undo refunds, so we have no option to send you money by any other means once a refund goes through.
You’ll need to contact the company you paid through (for example, PayPal at (888) 221-1161). Once your refund is transferred to the account you paid with, we don’t have your funds anymore. We will help in any way we can, but
If someone else is funding your Training:
Policies are intended to be administered according to the intentions of payers, not student attendees. Of course in most cases the attendee is also the one paying, but when there is a separate payer (friend, family member, job training program, etc), decisions about these policies are implemented according to the intentions of payer, not the attendee.
Money may not be transferred from payer to attendee except under very limited and specific circumstances, including a verified to our satisfaction written designation from the payer.
If someone else is funding your Training, whether it be a job program, friend, family member, whatever, funds not applied towards training within 9 months will be returned to the funder, and you may have to reapply to them for funding.
If you have surgery or other big changes coming soon
…we will not accept you as a student (or will return your funds) until after your surgery has proven successful and you have healed fully. Similarly, only AFTER you finish temporarily working four jobs, or whatever big change you are going through can you apply to be a student, Some exceptions may be made for surgeries or situations that are not particularly disruptive.
Voice Acting Expo
Options if an Expo attendee does not attend after paying for a ticket:
- 100% refund to the original payee if cancelling 24 hours before an event.
- 80% refunds within a week after the event.
- 20% rescheduling fee to change the ticket date to any date occurring up one year after we receive their Expo ticket payment. (To clarify, the rescheduled event DATE must be within one year of payment in the case of non-attendance.)
- 80% credit towards other training beginning within that year to the attendee (name on the ticket), or for anyone designated by the payee or attendee. Again, training must begin within one year of the original payment received date.
- NO (zero) credit available 366 days after initial payment was received.
By law, we are NOT required to provide refunds for events not attended, since we incur the costs to put on the event (coaches, engineers, scheduling and support staff, space rental, food, handouts, equipment rental, transportation, other materials, etc.), and we provide Expos at our cost and sometimes a loss. Long-term options as noted are calculated from the date payment was received, not from the date of any particular event.
Other Training
For non-Expo training, such as Essentials, Core Curriculum, or Advanced—after the date training was scheduled to begin:
- Refunds are given to payee ONLY
- 100% refund is available with the first 60 days
- 50% refunds from 61-366 days.
CREDIT options are calculated from the date payment is received as follows:
- Training credit is given to any attendee specified by the payee (the payee may change which attendee is to receive training credit).
- Within six months of payment: 100% credit to reschedule training.
- 6-12 months after payment: 75% credit to reschedule training.
- Longer than 12 months but less than 24 months after payment: 50% credit to reschedule training.
- Once 24 months years from the date payment is received have elapsed, no credit or refunds are available.
Home Studio Equipment and Tech Support
We are not in the business of selling equipment, only in helping students acquire equipment at low cost, and in administering payments according to the intentions of payers. In the case in which the payer and the attendee are the same person, standard refund/credit policies apply. In the case in which a payer has sent us payment to purchase equipment on behalf of a student attendee who is not the payer, it may not be purchased instead by the student attendee and then have funds refunded to the attendee unless designated in writing by the payer.
If approved in writing by payer, within 30 days of receiving payment, equipment payments may be used toward training payments if payer decides not to have that payment go towards equipment. After 30 days have passed from date of our receiving payment, equipment payments may NOT be exchanged for training payments, and vice versa. Training payments may NOT be exchanged towards equipment payments under any circumstances. If a refund is available, payers/students are encouraged to receive their refund (if available) and spend it as desired.
In 2020 we began assisting students in buying equipment at the lowest cost possible, including buying in bulk ourselves and then providing the equipment purchased to students at a small loss to ourselves. We similarly provide some tech support at no cost to students beyond the equipment and studio training and support built into classes.
Equipment and tech support must be received by the designated student quickly, or payment will be refunded to payer within 30 days. Our intention is not to hold onto funds designated for equipment or tech support except in the case of payers (such as job training programs) requesting that a designated student attendee receive their equipment or tech support at a time convenient to the student.
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